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Science Fair: Resources

General Resources

These databases consist of mostly news articles published by reporters and some scholarly articles.  *Access the passwords for these databases here.

Geosystems Resources

These resources should be used in addition to the general and scholarly databases listed above. *Access the passwords for these databases here.

  • EBSCO Environment Complete*
  • GeoScienceWorld: A geoscience database. We don't have full access, but you can still search and read abstracts. Contact Ms. Kruckenberg if there is an article you want to read from here. 
  • EarthArXiv: A preprint server for geoscience.
  • ESSOAr: A community server established to accelerate the open discovery and dissemination of Earth and space science early research outputs, including preprints and posters presented at major scientific meetings.
  • Ideas from various geosystems websites

Physics Resources

Scholarly Resources

These databases contain peer-reviewed articles published by researchers. Check out this Anatomy of a Scholarly Article to understand what a scholarly journal article looks like.  *Access the passwords for these databases here.

^Limit your results to only academic journals

Chemistry Resources

These resources should be used in addition to the general and scholarly databases listed above. 

  • Chemistry LibreTexts: Open-access chemistry textbooks
  • ChemSpider: Chemical structures and associated property information
  • NIST Chemistry WebBook: Chemical, physical and thermodynamic properties of chemical compounds. Use this guide to navigate this database.
  • ACS Central SciencePrimary reports on research in chemistry and in allied fields, wherein chemical approaches play a key role. It is also the first fully open access journal published by the American Chemical Society