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NoodleTools Tutorials: NoodleTools


These are the basic instructions for using NoodleTools.  If you need further help or have specific questions, please contact Ms. Gunther or Ms. Ji

How to get to NoodleTools

  1. From your Google Drive, click the apps menu.
  2. Find NoodleTools.
  3. Complete and save the profile. (first time users only)

- Once you have set up your profile, you may go directly to also.

How to create a citation

  1. To start a new project, click the green "+New Project" button.
  2. Enter the project title and choose the appropriate style and level.
  3. Click open the project.
  4. To add a new source, click the green "+New Source" button.
  5. Choose the appropriate location and type for the source.
  6. Complete the form to the best of your ability. 

How to generate a properly formatted list of sources

  1. Click the printer icon located at the top of the page (this is inside a project).
  2. Choose the option that best suits your need. 

How to change style or level after creating a project

  1. Go to dashboard or the page that lists all your projects. 
  2. Click the three dots and choose "Change style" or "Change level."

How to obtain the in-text citation of a source.

  1. Find the source that you would like to create an in-text citation of.
  2. Click the three dots and chose "In-text citation."